Extractos del catálogo
RT 747 AGRO INDUSTRIAL RT 747 AGRO INDUSTRIAL es un neumático radial agro-industrial idóneo para cargadoras retroexcavadoras, palas compactas y telescópicas. Los tacos extra anchos aseguran un agarre excelente y una extraordinaria estabilidad en las operaciones de levantamiento. RT 747 AGRO INDUSTRIAL es la mejor respuesta para todas las operaciones agrícolas que en general requieren una versatilidad excepcional. AGRICULTURA ■ ti AGRICULTURA CARGADORA COMPACTA - ELEVADOR TELESCÓPICO H EXCAVACIÓN Y CARGA - CARGAMENTO INDUSTRIAL ■ INDUSTRIAL CARGADORA RETROEXCAVADORA - CARGADORA H EXCAVACIÓN Y CARGA - CARGAMENTO - COMPACTA - ELEVADOR TELESCÓPICO H MANIOBRABILIDAD S SESTABILIDAD MEZCLA ESPECIAL All product data contained in this publication are for information purposes only and may be modified at any time without prior notice. Balkrishna Industries Ltd. or any of its subsidiary companies does not undertake any responsibility or liability for undetected errors and/or misprints. All rights reserved. The materials and contents of this publication and the website are the exclusive property of Balkrishna Industries Ltd. and are protected by industrial and/or intellectual property laws. The user is not permitted to copy, reproduce, transfer, upload, make use of, publish or spread any contents, in whole or in part, on paper format, electronic format or otherwise without prior written consent by Balkrishna Industries Ltd..
Abrir la página 1 del catálogoPRODUCTO: RT 747 AGRO INDUSTRIALDATOS TECNICOS U/M: INTERNATIONAL STANDARD (MM) Size All product data contained in this publication are for information purposes only and may be modified at any time without prior notice. Balkrishna Industries Ltd. or any of its subsidiary companies does not undertake any responsibility or liability for undetected errors and/or misprints. All rights reserved. The materials and contents of this publication and the website are the exclusive property of Balkrishna Industries Ltd. and are protected by industrial and/or intellectual property laws. The user is not...
Abrir la página 2 del catálogoTodos los catálogos y folletos técnicos Balakrishna industries limited
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