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CEL Components S.r.l. Via Ca’ dell’Orbo Sud 4 - 40055 Castenaso (Bologna) Italy Tel. +39 051 782505 Fax +39 051 782477 www.cel.eu info@cel.eu P.IVA 04102600378 CCIAA BO 0339628 NIDO DE ABEJA DE ALUMINIO Y TERMOPLÁSTICOS, LAMINADOS, PANELES SANDWICH TECHNICAL DATA SHEET CURV COMPOSIT PANEL ELYLITE® CURV COMPOSIT EPANEL E Los paneles Powercel PP constan de dos capas de polipropileno autoreforzados y combinados con unThe E deCurv panels are composed portwo self-rein po pylene skins combined with a with a núcleo ® nido de abeja, unidos entre sí of un adhesivo. Los lypro polypropylene skins combined ElyliteCurv panels are composed of two self-reinforced son de lylite forced paneles honeycombcore (HC) joined together by adhesive. bonding. The panels consist of polypropylene (PP) hon eycomb core (HC), , joined together adhesive bonding panels consist oflypro by The po pylene (PP) very cost effective muy económicos y fáciles de encolar. ayer layer of PETare consequentry cost e with a thin (70 micron) protective of PET and and are consequently ffective and even and even protective l ly ve easy to glue. Estos paneles ultraligeros están diseñados para satisfacer las características más exigentes These ultra light weight panels are designed to meet the highest percharacteristics in formance en cuanto a rigidez y resistencia alpanels are designed to meet the highest performance characteristics in impacto, además de ser fácilmente reciclables. stiffness and impact resistance, are are recycl . recyclable. The ave been tested tempera -stiffness and impact resistance and easieasily able The panelspanels have been tested at tempera , and ly h at tures as low as -30°C low as tures asusuales, -30°C. Unlike typical polymerninguna fragilidad, ni siquiera a temperaturas muyabajas. any . Unlike typicalno muestra materials,rv mCurv material is not to showto show lymer m po aterials the Cutheaterial is known known not , ny polímeros más el material Powercel brittleness even at extremely temper brittleness even extreme low low temperatures. at ly atures. Composición Composition Composition 33 • Polypropylene honeycomb core with a density 6080 kg/m .. • Polypro pylene hon eycomb core with a density of of 60 kg/m Powercel protected a a thin (70 micron) of PE. protected by thin (70 micron) l layerTof PET. by ayer • Joined together a a de alto performance • Se unen mediante un adhesivohighformance adhesion system. • Joined together byhigh per rendimiento. adhesion system. by Dimensions Dimensions Dimensiones Thickness Thickness 9.5 mm Grosor: 9,5 mm 9.7 mm Size 1250 x 2200 mm Size 1250 x 2850 mm Tamaño: 2.500 x1.250 mm Colors Colors grey Black / Black / greyare UV-resistant) (Black Curv skins (Black Cuv skins are U-resistant) r V Weight Peso Weight 2.4 2,4 kg/m² kg/m² 2.4 kg/m² Deflection Deflexión Deflection 2 Deflection Deflexión (mm) (*) (mm) (*)L = 1000 mm, W = 1000 mm, P = 100 N/m tot= 10 kg) 2 Deflection (mm) (*)L = 1000 mmW = 1000 mmP = 100 N/m(M tot= 10 kg) , , (M Panel de 9,5 mm 9.7 mm 12.00 12,00 Panel of (*) calculated values including bending and shear (*) Los valores incluyen resistencia a la flexión y al cizallamiento. stiffness. (*) calcul ated values including bending and shear sti ffness. Impact resistance Impact impacto Resistencia alresistance The Curv skins have an exceptionally high resistance to impact. The Cu skins h an resistencia al rv ave ly high resistance to Las capas Powercel tienen una exceptional impacto muy alta. impact. Permanent deformation (mm) M = 2 kg, H = 1000 mm, diameter = 20 mm Permanent de (mm) form M = 2 kg H = 1000 mmdiameter = 20 mm , , Deformación permanenteation (mm) M = 2 kg, H = 1.000 mm, Diámetro mm Sandwich with 0.92mm Curv as skin 1.83 Sandwich with de 0,92 mm como Cu Sandwich con Powercel 0.92mmrv as skincapa 1.83 1,83 Sandwich with 1mm aluminium as skin 6.58 Sandwich with 1mm aluminium as skin 6.58 6,58 Fire behavior Fire behavior skins correspond to Class B2 according DIN 4102 which is described as “normal Uncoated Curv Unco ated Cu skins correspond to Class B2 according DIN 4102 which is described as rv “normal flammability”. flamm ability”. The polypropylene honeycomb core material is estimated to correspond to Class B2. The po pylene hon lypro eycomb core aterial is estim to correspond to Class B2. m ated Resistencia a la intemperie Weather resistance Powercel PP WeatherCurv composite panels are ® • Elylite resistance within a • Los paneles ®Curv composite panels are ststableal agua de temperature range otros muchos to +80 °C. PP son able within temper range grasas y from -40 °C agentes. • E lylitealveolares Powercel panelsresistentes ato salt mar, aceites,from -40 °C to +80 °C. ature oil, fats and most other agents. • Elylite Curv composite are resistant water, • Las capas Powercel de color negro garantizan una excelente protección contra losother UV y no muestran signos importantes de envejecimiento • E lylite Curv composite panels are resistant to ater, w , fats and most rayos salt oil agents. en comparación con otros of the panels is minimal. • Water absorption polímeros similares. • Water de agua de of the panels is minimal. • La absorciónabsorptionlos paneles es mínima. 1/2 N.B.: los datos presentes corresponden al mejor conocimiento de la empresa CEL S.r.l., tienen que informar a los clientes sobre los productos y sobre sus aplicaciones. Entonces no garantizan determinadas propriedades de los productos o la idoneidad de estos para una aplicación concreta. Salvo modificación. La empresa CEL S.r.l. asegura una impecable calidad de sus productos en el marco de los condiciones de venta
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CEL Components S.r.l. Via Ca’ dell’Orbo Sud 4 - 40055 Castenaso (Bologna) Italy Tel. +39 051 782505 Fax +39 051 782477 www.cel.eu info@cel.eu P.IVA 04102600378 CCIAA BO 0339628 NIDO DE ABEJA DE ALUMINIO Y TERMOPLÁSTICOS, LAMINADOS, PANELES SANDWICH TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Verarbeitungsmöglichkeiten Posibilidades de procesado Posibilidades de procesado ® ® ElylitE Curv CompositE panEl ELYLITE® CURV COMPOSIT PANEL E ELYLITE CURV COMPOSIT PANEL E ® The ElyliteCurv panels are composed of two self-reinforced polypropylene polypropylene skins combined with a The Elylite® Curv panels are composed of...
Abrir la página 2 del catálogoTodos los catálogos y folletos técnicos Cel Components S.r.l.
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Panel Sandwich Polistep
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Nido de abeja en polieterimida
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nido de abeja en policarbonato
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nido de abeja en polipropileno
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Aluminio alveolar perforado
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Catalogo 2018
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Catálogos archivados
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