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SERIE 6 - ES | Datasheet


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SERIE 6 - ES | Datasheet - 1

Dimensions and performance diagrams Portable concrete pumps 2230 Portable concrete pumps Portable concrete pumps * Datos técnicos y características sujetas a cambios sin previo aviso Dimensions and performance diagrams eries Dimensions and performance diagrams The use of the product must not exceed 2000 metres in elevation above sea level. Above this elevation the correct operation of the system is impaired and this case 50 Concrete Flow [m3/h] has to be previously notified to CIFA. 0 ceed 2000 metres in elevation above sea level. Above this elevation the correct operation of the system is impaired and this case 0 A. PC607 PC506 The use of the product must not exceed 2000 metres in elevation above sea level. Above this elevation the correct operation of the system is impaired and this case 70 120 has to be previously notified to CIFA. LOW 4400 1580 The use of the product must not exceed 2000 metres in elevation above sea level. Above this elevation th PC506LP has to be previously notified to CIFA. 70 Concrete pressure [bar] ance diagrams Dimensions and performance diagrams concrete pumps

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SERIE 6 - ES | Datasheet - 2

SERIE 6 Características principales Equípamíento estàndar La fuente de poder esta proporcionada por un motor independiente (Diesel o Eléctrico) Vibrador eléctrico montado en la rejilla de la talva Motor Diesel Deutz o Perkins Remolque monoeje rigido Vàlvula en forma de ‘S’, apta para todo tipo de hormigòn, fabricada con acero y grosor especiales Barra de remoque N° 3 estabilizadores manuales Sustituciòn o cambio de las vàlvulas sencillo y ràpido Funcionamiento òptimo incluso a altas presiones y con caudales de bombeo continuos y lentos Tuberia de salida de hormigón con conexión de codo y...

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