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YOUR PARTNER AT WORK Machine weight Poíds de la machine Maschinengewicht Peso macchina Peso de la máquina 1800 kg Engine output Puíssance du moteur Motorleistung Potenza motore erogata Potencia del motor 17.0 Hp /11.8 kW
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sePRESENTATION The DELEKS® M180 has been desígned to respond to the wídest range of possible applícatíons. It offers excellent lifting capacíty and díggíng forcé, comfort and safety features and great ease of maíntenance and transport. The quíck assembly of the buckets, the demolition hammer and the numerous accessoríes facilitates the operator's work. We desígned the M180 wíth a few príorítíes: an excellent díggíng depth and a large workíng radius, a príoríty requíred for machines ín the 1.8 Ton category. Beíng a míní excavator wíth no overhang, ít can satísfy all needs as obtaíned by a...
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DELEKS® M180 ensures versatility and performance. The use of shortpitched rubber crawlers helps minimise vibration during travel for improved operator comfort. PRODUCTIVITE ET PERFORMANCE La M180 de DELEKS® vousassure polyvalence et performance. L'utilisation de chenilles en caoutchouc a pas court diminue les vibrations pendant les déplacements pour le plus grand confort de l'utilisateur. PRODUKTIVITAT UND LEISTUNG Der DELEKS® M180 garantiert Vielseitigkeit und Leistung. Die hohen Traktionskráfte der Fahrmotore sowie die neuen Gummiketten mit der Short - Pitched - Kettenkonstruktion...
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ROPS/FOPS Canopy Safety first. The canopy conforms to ROPS (RollOver Protective Structure) and FOPS (Falling Objects Protective Structure) Level 1 specifications. Canopy ROPS/FOPS Sécurité avant tout. Le canopy est conforme aux normes ROPS (structure de protection contre le renversement) et FOPS (structure de protection contre la chute d'objets) selon les critéres du niveau 1. ROPS/FOPS Sicherheitsverdeck Safety first (Sicherheit geht vor). Das Verdeck wurde unter dem Aspekt der grofctmoglichen Fahrersicherheit entwickelt. Aufgrund der ROPS • Sicherheitsstruktur (RollOver Protective...
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Se FULLY OPENING ENGINE COVER The engine cover's tilt-up operation exposes most of the engine—providing easier access to components. 11 CAPOT MOTEUR Á OUVERTURE TOTALE Le basculement du capot moteur offre un libre accés a la plupart des composants. ■ WARTUNGSFREUNDLICH Durch die weit zu offnende Motorhaube und die gute Zuganglichkeit der Bauteile konnen alle Wartungsarbeiten schnell und leicht durchgeführt werden. 11 COFANO MOTORE AD APERTURA TOTALE Il sollevamento totale del cofano agevola la visibilita alla maggior parte del motore consentendo una facile accessibilita ai componenti. ^...
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COMPACTNESS The new short-tail M180 delivers optimal power and digging speed, even in confined spaces where traditional machines can’t work: yards, road works, demolition sites, sewers, etc. Sturdy and very stable, it guarantees maximum safety and offers complete operator confidence in any working conditions. COMPACITÉ La M180 à rayon court combine une puissance optimale et une grande vitesse d’excavation dans les endroits les plus confinés: cours, chantiers routiers et urbains, travaux de démolition, réseaux. Bref, tous les endroits où les machines traditionnelles ne peuvent pas...
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se ADJUSTABLE TRACK GAUGE Wíth easy, síngle-lever operation, the M180's hydraulícally adjusta ble track gauge reduces ín seconds—down to 990 mm — to enable navigation ín narrow spaces. Conversely, you can wíden the track gauge all the way out to 1250 mm to províde about 20% more stability, even whíle operatíng wíth hydraulíc breakers. Das hydraulísch verstellbare Fahrwerk ermóglícht Durchfahrten von engsten Baustellen, wíe z. B. ¡n Gebáuden und gewáhrleístet eíne hohe Hydraulíkhammer. Díe Fahrwerks-verstellung des M180 erfolgt hydraulísch über díe Betátígung eínes Bedienungshebel, ín...
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TECHNISCHE DATEN - DATI TECNICI DATOS TECNICOS MAIN DIMENSION - DIMENSIONI PRINCIPALI Unit b Track length-lunghezza cingoli mm 1590 c Ground clearance of platform - Luce a terra alla piattaforma mm 473 d Turningradiusatthe end of the platform-Raggio di sterzata mm 790 all'estremita della piattaforma e Chassis width-Larghezza del carro mm 990/1250 f Track width-Larghezza cingoli mm 230 g Track height-Altezza cingoli mm 360 h Transportation length-Lunghezza di trasporto mm 3400 i Ground clearance of seat - Altezza sedile da terra mm 1660 k Boom swing (left) -Oscillazione del braccio...
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Stop engine before seatbelt is unfastened DELEKSsrl Address : Via Industríale, 23 - Verolanuova (BS) Italy Post code : 25028 VATNo. : IT02894400981 Website : www.deleks.com - www.deleks.de - www.deleks.fr www.deleks.co.uk - www.deleks.it - www.deleks.eu www.deleks.es - www.deleks.se - www.deleks.dk E-mail : info@deleks.com SB All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, without prior permission from DELEKS®. All references in this publication to operating weights, sizes, capacities and other performance measurements are provided for guidance only and may...
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