Extractos del catálogo

S ede e stabilimento V ia P isa , 78 - 10088 V olpiano (TO) T el . +39 011 99 51 743 F ax +39 011 99 51 722 w w w. e u r o th ermsrl.it U ffici V erona : V ia V escovado , 73 - 37050 B ovolone (VR) T el . +39 045 71 00 209 F ax +39 045 71 03 953 Static ovens with direct heat exchange Series with direct heating with air vein burner Methane gas or LPG burner - Max. working temperature 250°C Standard oven With inspection windows With hanging conveyor OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES Fumes extraction ducts Extraction fan Additional door CE complying control panel Inverter Graphic temperature recorder Inspection windows + internal lighting Internal chamber of stainless steel Painted door Painted external walls NOTEs Construction of galvanized metal sheet Insulation in mineral wool, thickness 150 mm, density 100 kg/m3 Supplied as assembly kit Technical data and dimensions are given as indication and can be changed according to specific customer’s requirements Internal combustion
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DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT Model Inside dimensions Outside dimensions A Euro FSA 1 Euro FSA 2 Euro FSA 3 Euro FSA 4 Euro FSA 5 Euro FSA 6 Extraction fans Electric power Heat power Access doors m3/h Euro FSA 1 Euro FSA 2 Euro FSA 3 Euro FSA 4 Euro FSA 5 Euro FSA 6 TECHNICAL DATA
Abrir la página 2 del catálogoTodos los catálogos y folletos técnicos Eurotherm
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Euro LV
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Euro CSA
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Euro GR
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2 Páginas
FILTERING UNITS with activated coal
2 Páginas
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