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Site Emission Control Wheel Washing | Demucking | Dust Control
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EDITORIAL The head office of the FRUTIGER Group is in Switzerland. Our own ISO-certified production facilities in the Czech Republic, China, and the USA ensure the consistently high quality of our products. This catalog provides an overview of our wide range of products. Please contact our worldwide network of competent MobyDick specialists for more information. Thanks to our 30 years of experience, we will find the best solution for your situation too. La sede central del grupo FRUTIGER está en Suiza. Nuestras propias instalaciones de producción con certificación ISO en la República Checa,...
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The MobyDick brand has represented functionality, first-class quality, and global market leadership in the field of emissions control for more than three decades. The wheel washing systems area includes the modular models of the Construction Line (ConLine) as well as systems from the TailorMade Line for customers who need a customized wheel washing system. Desde hace más de tres décadas, la marca MobyDick es sinónimo de Innovation based on practical experience funcionalidad, calidad de primera clase y liderazgo en el mercado mundial en el ámbito del control de emisiones. El sector de las...
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COST/BENEFIT COSTES/BENEFICIOS WHEEL WASHING WHEEL WASHING 100% clean tyres are not possible. The higher the budget, however, the Over 30 years of experience more effective tire washing system can be designed. The wide range of Clean streets vs. Budget Calles limpias vs. presupuesto MobyDick models makes it possible to find the optimal compromise between washing performance and budget for every problem. Es imposible que los neumáticos estén 100% limpios. Sin embargo, cuanto mayor sea el presupuesto, más eficaz será el diseño de un sistema de lavado de neumáticos. La amplia gama de modelos...
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WHEEL WASHING CONLINE KIT FLEX The wheel washing systems of the ConLine KIT Flex line were specially developed for the needs of the construction industry by our engineers. The basic unit of the modular concept consists of a robust, four-meterlong washing unit and a recycling tank. It can be combined with a scraper The modular concept for the construction industry El concepto modular para la industria de la construcción conveyor, a mobility package, or a second basic unit to create eight different wheel washing systems with lengths of four or eight meters. All mod- WHEEL WASHING KIT Flex...
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WHEEL WASHING The ConLine KIT Plus line consists of a large selection of mobile and stationary wheel washing systems that are particularly suitable for use with high truck frequencies. These modern drive-through systems are based on more than 30 years of experience with wheel washing systems and, in More performance for high demands Más potencia para las altas exigencias addition to the classic MobyDick advantages, also offer a large selection of options and an attractive price/performance ratio. All Conline KIT Plus WHEEL WASHING KIT Plus Models Modelos KIT Plus Stationary models: For the...
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WHEEL WASHING In 1996, FRUTIGER presented the first MobyDick drive-through system. Continuous further development was followed by the next step – MobyDick WHEEL WASHING ONE! A concept based on recoverability, washing performance, and individual customer needs. MobyDick ONE is the most modern and high-qual- ity tire washing system in the world. It can be perfectly tailored to customer needs in terms of washing performance and water recycling. With the The next step El siguiente paso appropriate equipment, ONE is capable of coping with even the highest degrees of soiling. En 1996, FRUTIGER...
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WHEEL WASHING TAILORMADE RS LINE The compact roller systems (Junior and Duo) of the MobyDick RS Line High washing power through roller technology Alto poder de lavado gracias a la tecnología de rodillos have extraordinarily high washing power and can be installed in a very short time, even in very narrow spaces. The water recycling takes place WHEEL WASHING RS Line Models Modelos RS Line in the system itself. The dirt is automatically discharged to the side using a scraper conveyor. Ideal for low truck volumes and heavy soiling. Los The MobyDick Duo-4 consists of a 2.65-meter long washing...
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WHEEL WASHING TAILORMADE DRAGON The MobyDick Dragon is a powerful, compact tyre washing system consisting of a 3.30 meter long washing unit with an integrated recycling tank. It is available with or without a scraper conveyor and offers a very attrac- A complete tyre washing system for not much money Un sistema de lavado de neumáticos completo por poco dinero WHEEL WASHING Dragon Model Modelos Dragon tive price/performance ratio. The ideal solution for stationary or mobile applications everywhere where the soiling of truck tires is not high or where Due to the special «wing construction» of...
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WHEEL WASHING WATER RECYCLING RECICLAJE DE AGUA WHEEL WASHING MobyDick water recycling is based on easy sedimentation in optimally dimensioned recycling tanks. The recycling tanks can be selected from our wide range of products or constructed in site concrete. When selecting the tanks, special attention should be paid to the planned sludge clearance. The more dirt that accumulates and the finer the material, the longer the settling process takes and the larger the tanks have to be. The dimen- Correct dimensioning El dimensionamiento correcto Water Recycling – A MobyDick core competence...
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WHEEL WASHING WATER RECYCLING RECICLAJE DE AGUA MobyDick recycling tanks come in various shapes and sizes. They can Recycling tanks for every application Tanques de reciclaje para cada aplicacióntion be combined as required. Depending on requirements, FRUTIGER works WHEEL WASHING Recycling tank models Modelos tanques de reciclaje with the customer to develop a recycling concept that is optimally tailored to their wheel washing system in terms of volume and sludge emptying. Los tanques de reciclaje MobyDick tienen diferentes tamaños y formas. Pueden combinarse entre sí de cualquier manera....
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