Extractos del catálogo

es APR/2012 Art has a positive influence on the work environment and the internal processes governing channel this creative potential to create a dialogue Europe which the spirit of thought is allowed to flourish. Austria Tel +49 2193 23 187 at.sales@interroll.com Belgium Tel. +49 2193 23 259 be.sales@interroll.com Czech Republic/Slovakia Interroll CZ, s.r.o. Na Řádku 7/3172 69002 Břeclav Czech Republic Tel + 420 519 330 210 cz.sales@interroll.com Denmark Interroll Nordic A/S Hammerholmen 2-6 2650 Hvidovre Denmark Tel + 45 36 88 33 33 dk.sales@interroll.com Finland Interroll Nordic A/S Martinkyläntie 53 01720 Vantaa Finland Tel + 358 9 54 94 94 00 fi.sales@interroll.com France Interroll SAS Z.I. De Kerannou-BP34 29250 Saint-Pol-de-Leon France Tel + 33 2 98 24 4100 fr.sales@interroll.com Germany Interroll Fördertechnik GmbH Höferhof 16 42929 Wermelskirchen Germany Tel + 49 2193 23 0 de.sales@interroll.com He lives in dreams. He loves the dark arts and This Berliner artist allowed his unusual works arising out of the unconscious. All this is what to convert the familiar into the alien and Steffen Geisler represents in grandiose the alien into the familiar when his art was spatial art with theatre- exhibited at Interroll‘s Swiss headquarters in like installations Sant‘Antonino – thus, he provokes. To think and bold imagery. about – to rethink – to consider in advance. He stimulates the explorer‘s spirit and challenges toward innovative creativity. Exactly into that which turns even good conveyor technology into something decisively better. Hungary Lörincz Kft. Kastély U.27 Pf. 57 2045 Törökbálint Hungary Tel + 36 23 337 891 hu.sales@interroll.com Iceland IBH ehf Dugguvogur 10 104 Reykjavik Iceland Tel + 354 562 6858 ingi@ibh.ehf.is Italy Rulli Rulmeca S.P.A. Via Arturo Toscanini 1 24011 Almé (Bg) Italy Tel + 39 035 43 00 111 vendite@rulmeca.it Luxembourg Tel +49 2193 23 259 be.sales@interroll.com Netherlands Tel +49 2193 23 151 nl.sales@interroll.com Norway Interroll A /S Kobbervikdalen 65 3036 Drammen Norway Tel + 47 32 88 26 00 no.sales@interroll.com Poland Interroll Polska Sp. z o.o. ul. Płochocińska 85 03-044 Warszawa Poland Tel +48 22 741 741 0 pl.sales@interroll.com Portugal Rulmeca de Portugal, LDA Parque Industrial do Tortosendo Edifício Parkurbis, Loja 7 Apartado 113 6200-865 Tortosendo Portugal Tel +351 275 33 07 80 rulmeca@rulmeca-interroll.pt Romania Krako International SRL Str. Sfanta Maria 1-5 Bl. 10A4 Sc 1 Apt 4 Sector 1 001494 Bucuresti Romania Tel + 40 21 260 2050 ro.sales@interroll.com Slovenia 3-TEC, prehrambenatehnologija-hlajenje Dravska ulica 7 1000 Ljubljana Slovenija Tel + 386 1 56 56 370 si.sales@interroll.com Spain Interroll España S.A. Parc Tecnològic del Vallès C/Dels Argenters, 5 Edificio 1 Bp y Cp 08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès Barcelona Spain Tel + 34 90 211 0860 es.sales@interroll.com Sweden Interroll Nordic A/S Karlsrovägen 64 302 41 Halmstad Sweden Tel + 46 35 227 077 se.sales@interroll.com Switzerland Tel. +49 2193 23 190 ch.sales@interroll.com United Kingdom Interroll Ltd. Brunel Road Corby, Northants NN17 4UX United Kingdom Tel + 44 1536 200 322 gb.sales@interroll.com Africa South Africa Interroll South Africa (Pty) Ltd Box 327 Isando 1600 Gauteng South Africa Tel + 27 11 281 99 00 za.sales@interroll.com North and South America Canada Interroll Checkstand 8900 Keele Street Unit 2 & 3 Concord, Ontario L4K 2N2 Canada Tel +1 905 660 4426 ca.sales@interroll.com Japan Interroll Japan Co. Ltd. 302-1 Shimokuzawa Midori-ku Sagamihara-shi Kanagawa 252- 0134 Japan Tel + 81 42 764 2677 jp.sales@interroll.com Interroll Canada Ltd. 1201 Gorham Street Newmarket Ontario L3Y 8Y2 Canada Tel +1 905 727 33 99 ca.sales@interroll.com Korea Interroll (Korea) Co. Ltd. Rm 301 Dongsan Bldg. 333-60 Shindang-Dong 100-826 Choong Ku, Seoul Tel + 82 2 2231 19 00 kr.sales@interroll.com USA Interroll Corporation 3000 Corporate Drive Wilmington, N.C. 28405 USA Tel +1 910 799 1100 us.sales@interroll.com Singapore Interroll (Asia) Pte. Ltd. 386 Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim Jurong 629156 Singapore Republic of Singapore Tel + 65 6266 6322 sg.sales@interroll.com Interroll Automation LLC 5035 Keystone Boulevard Jeffersonville, IN 47130 USA Tel +1 812 284 1000 us.sales@interroll.com Sri Lanka Colombo Machinery & Equipment Ltd. No: 102, Fife Road Colombo 05 Sri Lanka Tel + 94 11 250 0078/79 lk.sales@interroll.com Interroll Dynamic Storage, Inc. 232 Duncan Circle Hiram, GA 30141 USA Tel +1 770 943 15 41 ca.sales@interroll.com Brazil Interroll Logística Elementos para Sistemas Transportadores Ltda Rua Dom João VI 555 - Parque Industrial SA Pindamonhangaba - SP CEP 12412- 805 Brazil Tel + 55 (0)12 3648 8021 br.sales@interroll.com Asia China Interroll (Suzhou) Co. Ltd. Block B & C Ecological Science Hub No. 1 Ke Zhi Road Suzhou Industrial Park Jiangsu Province China Postal Code: 215021 Tel + 86 512 62560383 cn.sales@interroll.com India Interroll Drives and Rollers India Pvt. Ltd. No. 276, 4th main, 4th phase Peenya Industrial Area Bangalore-560058 India Tel + 91080 41272666 in.sales@interroll.com Israel Comtrans-Tech Ltd. P.O.B. 17433 Tel-Aviv 61174 Israel Tel + 972 54 4272747 il.sales@interroll.com Taiwan First Auto-Transfer Equipment Co. Ltd 8F-3, No: 65, Song De Road Hsin Yi District Taipei 11076 Taiwan Tel + 886 2 27 59 88 69 tw.sales@interroll.com Thailand Interroll (Thailand) Co. Ltd. 700/685, Moo 1 Amata Nakorn Panthong, Chonburi 20160 Thailand Tel + 66 3 844 7448 th.sales@interroll.com Australia and New Zealand Australia Interroll Australia Pty. Ltd. 70 Keon Parade Thomastown Victoria 3074 Australia Tel + 61 3 94 60 21 55 au.sales@interroll.com de DEZ/2011 communication and to establish an environment in New Zealand Automation Equipment (NZ) Ltd. 26 Tawn Place, Pukete, Hamilton New Zealand Tel + 64 (7) 849 0281 nz.sales@interroll.com Headquarter Interroll (Schweiz AG) + 41 91 850 25 25 info@interroll.com www.interroll.com SupermarktLösungen that embraces art and business as vehicles of es APR/2012. DW Interroll – C o r po r at e A rt these structures. Interroll Corporate Art is to So lu c i o n e s pa r a supermercados
Abrir la página 1 del catálogoTodos los catálogos y folletos técnicos Interroll
3 Páginas
200 Páginas
226 Páginas
3 Páginas
3 Páginas
Interroll Spiral Lift
1 Páginas
8 Páginas
28 Páginas
10 Páginas
63 Páginas
soluciones de transporte eficientes
8 Páginas
Industry Fact Sheet
8 Páginas
Soluciones inteligentes
20 Páginas
Drum Motors in Food Processing
20 Páginas
RollerDrive & Controls
20 Páginas
M o t o t a m b o r e s
138 Páginas
Rodillos Transportadores
117 Páginas
164 Páginas
RollerDrive EC310
8 Páginas
4/08 Poly-Vee
4 Páginas
131 Páginas
2 Páginas
Interroll Drum Motor 113C
2 Páginas
7 Páginas
3 Páginas
142 Páginas
BM 8350
1 Páginas
2 Páginas
13 Páginas
Magnetic Speed Controller MSC 50
2 Páginas
rollers & rollerdrive
17 Páginas
Drum Motors Overview
7 Páginas
Roller Drive for Pallet Handling
3 Páginas
Idlers and Pulleys
26 Páginas
Catálogos archivados
Módulos de transporte
81 Páginas
Synchronous Drum Motor
28 Páginas