Catalogo ESP - ENG | ITR Recycling Technologies


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OMAR IMPROVES THE LIVES of people and the environment by designing air filtration systems that protect the health of employees in their workplace and waste recycling systems that reduce the environmental impact. OMAR MEJORA LA VIDA INNOVATION INNOVACIÓN This is the story of how OMAR was born Así nació la historia de OMAR IMPORTANT ENTERPRISES ALWAYS BEGIN WITH GREAT INTUITION INGENUITY INGENIO de las personas y del medio ambiente al crear sistemas de depuración de aire para proteger la salud de los trabajadores en los lugares de trabajo y sistemas de reciclaje de residuos para reducir el...

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Catalogo ESP - ENG | ITR Recycling Technologies - 3

The theme of environmental sustainability is one of the pillars of OMAR’s corporate philosophy. The term SUSTAINABILITY refers to the biophysical conditions of the Earth and the use made of its resources, which cannot be exploited infinitely. OMAR has created its corporate mission following this simple but basic concept, realizing air filtration systems and recycling plants for solid urban waste and ferrous and non-ferrous metals, contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions. The world of industry is responsible for a wide range of environmental pollution through emissions into the air,...

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Catalogo ESP - ENG | ITR Recycling Technologies - 4

OMAR is/es : Teamwork / Equipo highly trained and qualified staff, available and organised to propose solutions to meet your needs. personas altamente preparadas y cualificadas, disponibles y organizadas para proponer soluciones con el fin de satisfacer sus necesidades. Specialisation / Especialización in the production of systems and technologies for the protection of the environment, which includes custom made solutions. en la producción de sistemas y tecnologías para la protección del medio ambiente, incluso soluciones a la medida. Innovation / Innovación continuous research and...

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Structured in 2 specialised Business Units to better respond to the technical needs of the sectors addressed: OMAR - Industrial air filtration systems ITR - Urban solid waste treatment and selection plants, and ferrous and non-ferrous metal recycling systems. The Team, guided by the two owners, composed of competent and specialised professionals working for customers and on the market, divided into the following areas: SALES: organised in area managers, salespeople and vendor agents operating nationally and internationally. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT: technicians, engineers and prototype...

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INGENIERÍA - FABRICACIÓN PROYECTOS A MEDIDA Installation and start-ups are ensured by specialised in-house personnel. OMAR Service is organised to monitor the plant throughout its entire life and to ensure maximum efficiency. OMAR is at your side, non-stop, 365 days out of the year. ESTAMOS A SU LADO ININTERRUMPIDAMENTE LOS 365 DÍAS DEL AÑO La instalación y puesta en marcha están garantizadas por personal interno especializado. El Servicio OMAR está organizado a fin de hacer un seguimiento durante toda la vida útil del sistema y garantizar la máxima eficiencia. OMAR está a su lado...

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OUR PLANTS’ SAFETY The safety of people and property is of primary importance for plant design, as required by the current ATEX standard (2014/34/EU). OMAR is proud to confirm its leadership in this field, thanks to the continuous regulatory updating followed by the staff in charge, and to specific internship for application of the products and to detailed knowledge of the pollutants to be treated. Antistatic filtering bags for guaranteeing the continuity Compartmentation valve for explosion isolation, non-return model Bolsas antiestáticas para garantizar la continuidad Válvula de...

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Waste Treatment Systems ITR Waste Treatment Systems is focused on the development and manufacturing of complete recycling lines and plants for the treatment of urban waste as well as industrial waste assimilable to the urban ones. On request, ITR can also develop and manufacture single machineries and/ or projects for new lines as well as existing plants, offering installation, start-up assistance and technical service on site. ITR Waste Treatment Systems está especializada en el desarrollo y fabricación de líneas y sistemas completos de reciclaje para el tratamiento de los residuos urbanos...

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Waste Treatment Systems MULTI-MATERIAL TREATMENT PLANTS DERIVING FROM SELECTIVE COLLECTION According to the typology of multi-material to be treated, ITR designs, builds and installs plants that, with the help of adequate mechanical systems for the pre-treatment and cleaning of the supplying material, allow to select the recyclable materials, like: glass, paper, plastic, ferrous and non-ferrous metals. The selection plants vary from the most traditional ones, manual type, to the automatic ones, which are equipped with systems provided with innovative optical character readers that allow an...

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Waste Treatment Systems PLANTS FOR THE TREATMENT OF SPECIAL WASTE ASSIMILABLE TO THE MUNICIPAL ONES ITR offers plants for the treatment of waste that can be assimilated to the municipal ones, result of commercial and industrial activities. When, a manual and/or automatic selection is possible, after a mechanical cleaning of the material, of recyclable products such as: paper, cardboard, wood, plastic materials coming from packaging, textiles, iron and metals. The non-recyclable material is destined to a mechanical refining treatment, aimed to Refuse-derived fuel (RDF) production, in order...

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Waste Treatment Systems MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE TREATMENT PLANTS DERIVING FROM UNSORTED COLLECTION ITR’s recycling plants for municipal solid waste from unsorted collection include a mechanical treatment aimed to separate the municipal solid waste in two components, solid and organic, with the recovery of the ferrous and non-ferrous materials. Afterwards, a more elaborate and completely automated system allows a mechanical and biological treatment, which is integrated with a next refining stage and is aimed to Refuse-derived fuel (RDF) production. All ITR plants are provided with a modern...

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