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KORTA S.A. has beenaccumulating experience of the design, production and sales of ball screws for many years. Our ongoing effort to attain the hig- hest level of QUALITY has ena- bled us to put an internationally approved quality product on the market.To make it, KORTA S.A.uses state-of-the-art productionmeans,vanguard technologies, CAD/CAMand other computingsystems specially adapted to the production of ball screws.KORTA S.A. also imple-ments a plain Quality Assurance policy that has won us the Registered Firm Certificate No. ER-071/2/96 for compliance with the UNE-EN ISO 9002...
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unidades en mm / units: mm Dimensiones de la tuerca / Nut dimensions Referencia D L R S T D > 3 L > Type 354416522,59 RS-2005 4045169 RS-2505 48792513 RS-2510 4850209 RS-3205 54792513 RS-3210 5655209 RS-4005 62912514 RS-4010 70562010 RS-5005 6665 2,543,533 2,52,52 721022515 RS-5010 851022562,5415 RS-6310 Standard thread RH only. Left-hand thread on request. ᕕ R > s1 = Rigidity of the ball screw shaft with one end fixed and one end free, per unit length of one metre. For two-end fixed systems, multiply by 4. R > nu = Rigidity of the nut for a working load equal to 30% of the dynamic load...
Abrir la página 9 del catálogo
unidades en mm / units: mm Dimensiones de la tuerca / Nut dimensions Referencia D D > 1 D > 2 X Y L G Z C F Type RBS-2005 40 52 64 12 344612 RBS-2505 M65.55M65.5M69M8x111 35 48 58 12 3446M65,5512 48 60 72 14 647815 RBS-2510 48 60 72 12 3951512 RBS-3205 54 66 78 16 64806,515 RBS-3210 56 70 82 14 4458612 RBS-4005 62 76 94 18 7593715 RBS-4010 70 88 108 15 44596,512 RBS-5005 72 90 110 18 85103715 RBS-5010 85 105 125 22 85107M8x111915 RBS-6310 衕 Standard thread RH only. Left-hand thread on request. R > s1 = Rigidity of the ball screw shaft with one end fixed and one end free, per unit length of...
Abrir la página 11 del catálogo
G.Orificio de engrase Greasing hole C B - 0.2- 0.3 Dh6 D 2 h13 D 1 D F LZXh13 Dimetro Capacidad de carga Referencia Rigidity > Diameter Lead Ball diameter Circuits D Type > pw d > Load rating Dimensiones > 2 (d )Paso (Ph)Circuitos (Dw) (i)Diam. bolas (N) C A (N) R s1 (N/ mᵷm)C R nu (N/ m) D D > 1 D > 2 X Rigidez / UDBS-2505 255 3,532622,5314021220591,3297,240526412 UDBS-3205 5 3,543329,55513117791153,7477,548607212 3240 UDBS-3210 10 6,35334,127,756512227753144,6299,354667816 UDBS-4005 5 3,554137,58824524062244,7695,156708214 UDBS-4010 10 6,35442,135,7511594541641233,3495,162769418 UDBS-5010...
Abrir la página 12 del catálogo
unidades en mm / units: mm de la tuerca / Nut dimensions Referencia Y L G Z CF Type M65,55,591111 M6M6M8x1M8x1 2778627 UDBS-2505 3389633 UDBS-3205 53138853 UDBS-3210 38101738 UDBS-4005 64162964 UDBS-4010 75183975 UDBS-5010 751871175 UDBS-6310 衕 Standard thread RH only. Left-hand thread on request. R > s1 = Rigidity of the ball screw shaft with one end fixed and one end free, per unit length of one metre. For two-end fixed systems, multiply by 4. Օ R > nu = Rnu: Rigidity of the nut preloaded to 6% of the dynamic load rating and for a tolerance grade of IT5. >
Abrir la página 13 del catálogo
CG. orificio de engrase F Greasing hole B Dg6 D 2 h13 D 1 D - 0.2- 0.3 Y LZXh13 Referencia > Dimetro Laminados / Rolled B.S. Rectificados / Ground B.S. > Diameter Lead Ball diameter D Type > pw d > 2 Circuits (d )Paso (Ph)Circuitos (Dw) (i)Diam. bolas (N) C A (N)Juego axial Juego axial Backlash R s1 (N/ mᵷm)C R nu (N/ m) (N)C A (N)C Backlash BS-8010-4 426471064910900,429412272122 BS-8010-5 8080808080 10 7,14482533088878642976,41116,336765387380 0,060,060,060,060,06 0,060,060,060,060,06 BS-8010-6 6397066919921330,7441184102213 BS-8012-4 428587573690918,331763981878 BS-8012-5 12...
Abrir la página 26 del catálogo
G.Orificio de engrase Greasing hole C B - 0.2- 0.3 D 2 h13 F 1 Dg6 D D LZXh13 Dimetro Capacidad de carga Referencia Rigidez / Rigidity > Diameter Lead Type > Ball diameter Circuits (d )Paso (Ph)Circuitos (Dw) D > Load rating Dimensiones > pwd 2 (i)Diam. bolas (N) C A (N) R s1 (N/ mᵷm)C R nu (N/ m) D D > 1 D > 2 X DBS-1204-2 25591316592,3 DBS-1204-3 4 2,38112,66 10,27938387448519,9136,024324010 DBS-1204-4 4111835744179,0 DBS-1205-2 25576316292,8 5121216161620202020 2,38112,6610,27919,9 DBS-1205-3 383644481136,7 24324010 Օ Standard unicamente rosca derecha. Rosca izquierda bajo consulta. R...
Abrir la página 30 del catálogo
Lead > Diڡmetro Diameter D > w unidades en mm / units: mm de la tuerca / Nut dimensions Referencia > pw 2 d d D L L > 8 L > 9 Z C F Type 58 DBS-1204-2 > 315105,5315105,540510 5,540510 5,540516 5,544510 6,644510 6,6445166,644 35,535,5444444515151515256,6 76 DBS-1204-4 66 DBS-1205-2 76 DBS-1205-3 58 DBS-1604-2 > A B C 68 DBS-1604-3 76 DBS-1604-4 66EDBS-160576 D > 2 DBS-1605-3 86 DBS-1605-4 96 DBS-1610-2 124 DBS-1610-3 144 DBS-1610-4 58 DBS-2004-2 68 DBS-2004-3 L > 8h13 76 DBS-2004-4 66 DBS-2005-2 76 EDBS-200586 DBS-2005-4 96 DBS-2010-2 124 DBS-2010-3 144 DBS-2010-4 L > 9h13 131 DBS-2020-2...
Abrir la página 31 del catálogo
G.Orificio de engrase Greasing hole C B - 0.2- 0.3 Dg6 D 2 h13 F D 1 D nu =Rigidez de la tuerca con una precarga del 6% de la capacidad de carga dinmica y una calidad IT5. >
Abrir la página 32 del catálogo
Paso Lead > Dimetro D > w unidades en mm / units: mm de la tuerca / Nut dimensions Referencia L L > 8 L > 9 Z C F Type 58 DBS-2504-2 68 48 55 6,6510 DBS-2504-3 76 DBS-2504-4 > pw 2 66 DBS-2505-2 > d d D 76 48 55 6,6510 EDBS-250586 > 74 DBS-2506-2 92 48 55 6,6510 DBS-2506-3 104 DBS-2506-4 98 DBS-2510-2 > A B C 120 48 55 6,6516 EDBS-2510144 DBS-2510-4 133EDBS-2520173 486,655525 62971625 D > 2 DBS-2520-3 151 48 55 6,6530 DBS-2525-2 70 DBS-3204-3 78 62 71 9610 DBS-3204-4 86 DBS-3204-5 78 DBS-3205-3 88 62 71 9610 EDBS-3205 98 L > 8h13 DBS-3205-5 94 DBS-3206-3 106 62 71 9610 DBS-3206-4 120...
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se reserva el derecho de modificacin de cualquier informacin o dato de este cat㳡logo sin previo aviso.reserves the right to modify any information or data of this catalogue without previous notice. >
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Joxe Mari Korta Industrigunea, 2Apdo. 6 E-20750 ZUMAIA (Gipuzkoa - Spain)Tfnos. (0034) 943 860362/66Fax (0034) 943 860142E-mail: info@korta.comhttp://www.korta.com > OTZARRETA (Zarautz) - Mod.: KOR0124974 size="-1">
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