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POWER NUPPLY pite)ipeffia*B*a)ti(a«K;)Sd[E((taer) P!nrelclh!mterl(rlnm F3lm>thiCI(neSs)(M) »*X«s^rffi^tliamatBaí(m»m))) P(nrelcNal^erll(rlrl^ FtathjCkneSs)(M) Saturn S6Bnutolwedtiraroliíicynri^^treetcarGwri^al^0 HIGH CAPACITY NTRETCH l=ll_\L mQvitec A*¡WSCftCm«W.Y 9|IBdCV||l www.movitec-ws.com Oo C. Pallars Sobira, 16 ■ Pol. Industrial La Nora ■ 25660 ■ Alcoletge [Lleida] ■ SPAIN Tel.[+34] 973 184 059 ■ Fax [+34] 973 184 008 ■ comercial@movitec-ws.com
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Reliable & efficient wrapping machines Máquinas envolvedoras fiables y eficaces HIGH CAPACITY: ALTAS: hasta 120 palets/hora HIGH CAPACITY: up to 120 pallets/hour PRODUCCIONES up to 120 pallets/hour Maximum quality, alto rendimiento y and minimum maintenance Maximum quality, high performance and minimum maintenance Máxima calidad, high performance mínimo mantenimiento It’s la más versátil: puede can evolve to amodelo S8 modelS8 get higher It is the most versatile: can evolve to a Saturn SATURN to para conseguir Es the most versatile: itit evolucionar al Saturn S8 model to get higher...
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