Extractos del catálogo

PLATE PROCESSORS Sirio TH Plate processor for offset plates (conventional and thermal CtP) Very robust plate processor for average to high productions (60.000 sqm/year) • Stainless steel inner parts and worm screw • Easy maintenance • Automatic developer fill • Developer temperature control through heating element and cooling device • Automatic replenishment • Antiox for stand-by replenishment • Programmable switch-on/off (optional) • Conductivity meter (optional) • Plate rinsing even with closed circuit recycler (optional) that allows a water saving of 95% • Brush in the washing section • Second automatic inlet • Perfect drying of both sides of the plate • Control panel to programme all functions • Low level alarm for 3 outer cans (optional) Sviluppatrice per lastre offset (tradizionali e CtP termiche) Sviluppatrice molto robusta per medie e alte produzioni (60.000 mq/ anno) • Parti interne in acciaio inossidabile e vite senza fine • Facile manutenzione • Carico automatico dello sviluppo • Controllo temperatura del chimico tramite resistenza e gruppo frigorifero • Rigenerazione automatica • Antiox per la rigenerazione in stand-by • Accensione e spegnimento programmabile (optional) • Conduttivimetro (optional) • Risciacquo della lastra anche con ricircolo a circuito chiuso (optional) che permette un risparmio d’acqua del 95% • Spazzola nella sezione lavaggio • Secondo ingresso automatico • Perfetta asciugatura di entrambi i lati della lastra • Pannello comandi per la programmazione di tutte le funzioni • Allarme acustico livello minimo fustini esterni (optional) OVIT Srl - Via Europa, 6/8 - 20085 Locate Triulzi (MI), Italy -
Abrir la página 1 del catálogo
SIRIO TH 85 - 120 - 150 Développeuse pour plaques offset (traditionelles et CTP thermiques) Procesadora para planchas offset (convencionales y térmicas CtP) Développeuse très robuste pour moyennes/hautes productions (60.000 m2/année) • Parties intérieures en acier inoxydable et vis sans fin • Facile entretien • Chargement automatique révélateur • Température révélateur réglée par résistence de chauffage et groupe refroidisseur • Régénération automatique • Fonction anti-ox pour régénérer en standby • Allumage/arrête programmable (option) • Conductimètre (option) • Rinçage plaque aussi avec...
Abrir la página 2 del catálogoTodos los catálogos y folletos técnicos OVIT srl
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Technology for quality
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Chemistry Saver
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Offset plate reader
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Reflection Densitometers
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Water recycler
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Osmosis Systems
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Conveyor for offset plates
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Moon 70
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