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Complete range on PCD turning inserts
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GKADES SELECTlION | Selecto de graus | Selección de calidades GEGMiTRY SELEGTION | selecto da geometria | Selección de la geometria PCD (Polycristalline Diamond) is a composite of diamond particles that are sintered with a metallic binder creating the hardest and one of the most abrasion resistant materials used in cutting tools. Its development achieved an extremely significance for the machining of Non-Ferrous Materials, such as high-silicon aluminium, metal matrix composites (MMC) and carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP). Grade description: The insert geometry and nose radius are very...
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| Seleccao da preparacao de aresta PCD IRECOMMEnD CUTinrlING DATA Condicoes de corte recomendadas para PCD | Datos de corte recomiendadas para PCD The most important criteria for the stability and cutting edge tool-life is to definition of the correct cutting edge preparation. Its choice is mainly required in order to achive the best economical result. Edge preparation: PCD Palbit's inserts have only F type Land: Cutting forces Edge strength F - Standard preparation without honing - Standard - Sharp cutting edge; - Standard and recommended edge preparation for aluminium or other non-ferrous...
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Sistema de codificacao para pastilhas de PCD Codificación para plaquitas de plaquitas de PCD As a rule, the sides of these inserts are as sintered. Tolerance differs with insert size, for the accuracy of class M, refer to the table on the right. * ANSI designation only (Radius Designation is 00) ** Metric designation only (Radius Designation is M0) According to International Standard ISO 1832 - 2012(E) “Indexable inserts for cutting tools - Designation” 5 - Insert size symbol 2 - Normal clearance symbol Hole type 4 - Insert symbol Type Hole type Without chipbreaker Round hole Chipbreaker on...
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«ATUVE INSERIS SINGLE IIP CN - RlnlOMBIIC 80o NEGATIvE ROMBICA 80" NEGATIVA | RÓMBICA 80" NEGATIVA CNGA Z1 TN - milANGULM 60o NEGATIvE TRIANGULAR 60o NEGATIVA | TRIANGULAR 60o NEGATIVA TNGA Z1 Cutting conditions Condicoes de corte Condiciones de corte Cutting conditions Condicoes de corte Condiciones de corte ) Stock item | Article en stock | Lagerware O Available under request | Disponible sur demande | Verfügbar auf Anfrage DN - RHOMBIC 55o NEGATIvE ROMBICA 55o NEGATIVA | RÓMBICA 55o NEGATIVA DNGA Z1 Stock item | Article en stock | Lagerware O Available under request | Disponible sur...
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POSIITIIVE INSERIS SINGLE IIP sc - SQDARE 90o POSIITIIVE SQUARE 90" POSITIVA | ESQUADRA 90" POSITIVA SCGT Z1 Size - 06 - 09 - 12 W¡) Stock item | Article en stock | Lagerware O Available under request | Disponible sur demande | Verfügbar auf Anfrage
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POSIITIIVE INSERIS SINGLE IIP CC - RlnlOMBIIC 80o POSIITIIVi ROMBICA 80o POSITIVA | RÓMBICA 80o POSITIVA CCGT Z1 CP - RlnlOMBIIC 80o posmivi ROMBICA 80o POSITIVA | RÓMBICA 80o POSITIVA CPGT Z1 Dimensions Dimensoes Dimenciones (mm) Dimensions Dimensoes Dimenciones (mm) §) Stock item | Article en stock | Lagerware O Available under request | Disponible sur demande | Verfügbar auf Anfrage Stock item | Article en stock | Lagerware O Available under request | Disponible sur demande | Verfügbar auf Anfrage §) Stock item | Article en stock | Lagerware O Available under request | Disponible sur...
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POSIITIIVE INSERIS SINGLE IIP DC - RlnlOMBIIC 55o POSITIVE ROMBICA 55° POSITIVA | RÓMBICA 55° POSITIVA DCGT Z1 VC - RlnlOMBIIC 35o POSITIVE SQUARE 35° POSITIVA | ESQUADRADA 35° POSITIVA VCGT Z1 ' Stock item | Article en stock | Lagerware O Available under request | Disponible sur demande | Verfügbar auf Anfrage O Available under request | Disponible sur demande | Verfügbar auf Anfrage Stock item | Article en stock | Lagerware
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POSIITIIVE INSERIS SINGLE IIP TC - TRIANGULAR 60o POSIITIIVH TRIANGULAR 60o POSITIVA | TRIANGULAR 60o POSITIVA TCGT Z1 TP - TRIANGULAR 60o POSITIVE TRIANGULAR 60o POSITIVA | TRIANGULAR 60o POSITIVA TPGT Z1 Dimensions Dimensoes Dimenciones (mm) Dimensions Dimensoes Dimenciones (mm) Stock item | Article en stock | Lagerware O Available under request | Disponible sur demande | Verfügbar auf Anfrage O Available under request | Disponible sur demande | Verfügbar auf Anfrage O Available under request | Disponible sur demande | Verfügbar auf Anfrage Stock item | Article en stock | Lagerware
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POSIITIIVE INSERIS FULL EDGE CC - RIHIOMBIIC 80o POSIITIIVi ROMBICA 80" POSITIVA | RÓMBICA 80" POSITIVA CCGT FR/FL TC - TRIANGULAR 60o POSIITIIVi TRIANGULAR 60o POSITIVA | TRIANGULAR 60o POSITIVA TCGT FL Dimensions Dimensoes Dimenciones (mm) Dimensions Dimensoes Dimenciones (mm) g> Stock item | Article en stock | Lagerware O Available under request | Disponible sur demande | Verfügbar auf Anfrage Stock item | Article en stock | Lagerware O Available under request | Disponible sur demande | Verfügbar auf Anfrage CCGW FR/FL Dimensions Dimensoes Dimenciones (mm) Cutting conditions Condicoes de...
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PCD NTTUKINIIIINIG HEADQUARTERS PALBIT, S.A. P.O.Box 4 - Palhal 3854-908 - Branca ALB - Portugal palbit@palbit.pt www.palbit.pt Branch office: PALBIT México Emerson 150, Int.803-804, Colonia Chapultepec Morales Delagación Miguel Hidalgo C.P. 11570 México DF T (+52) 5555454543 | F (+52) 5552509190 info@palbit.com.mx | www.palbit.com.mx Branch office: PALBIT Brasil Av. Joao XXIII, n°20, Sl 41 - Vila Gilda St° André, SP, CEP 09190-500 SP Brasil T(+55)1125343648 | F(+55) 1125343648 palbit@palbit.com.br | www.palbit.com.br
Abrir la página 11 del catálogoTodos los catálogos y folletos técnicos Palbit
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