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ASME Classes 150300 > 1 / > 2 ֖24 (15Ԗ600 mm)Class 600 > 1 / > 2 1 > 1 / > 2 ֔ (1540 mm) >
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VELNORTH CANADA ENGLAND FRANCE > 90, rue Challemel LacourF 69 367 Lyon Cedex 7 Tel: (33) 4 78 61 67 00Fax: (33) 4 78 72 12 18 TAIWAN U.S.A. > 94 Avenue CWilliston, VT 05495-9732Tel: (802) 651-0867 Fax: (802) 865-3030 VELAN INC.HEAD OFFICE & PLANT 5 VELAN VALVES LTD. VELAN S.A.S. VELAN-VALVAC VELCAL 7007 Cִte de LiesseMontreal, QC H4T 1G2Tel: (514) 748-7743 Fax: (514) 748-8635 Unit 1, Pinfold RoadLakeside Business Park ThurmastonLeicester LE4 8AS Tel: 44-116 269-5172 Fax: 44-116 269-3695 P.O. Box 2020Taichung, Taiwan R.O.C.Tel: (04) 2792649Fax: (886) 42750855 537 Stone Road, Unit "A"Benicia,...
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PLANT 1 PLANT 3 MONTREAL, CANADA 109,000 sq. ft. (10,126 m > 2 ) > 1 ⁄ > 4 4֔ (8100mm) forged gate, globe & check valves, ASME ֑N stamp WILLISTON, VERMONT, U.S.A. 155,000 sq. ft. (14,400 m > 2 )2Җ24 (50Ԗ600mm) forged and cast steel gate, globe and check valves, ASME Nђ stamp PLANT 2 & 7 MONTREAL, CANADA 170,000 sq. ft. (15,800 m > 2 )260֔ (501500mm) forged & cast steel gate, globe, check, ball, knife and 3֖36 (80Ԗ700mm) butterfly valves ASME Nђ stamp PLANT 4 & 6 GRANBY, CANADA 186,500 sq. ft. (17,325 m LYON, FRANCE 160,000 sq. ft. (14,900 m > 2 ) > 1 ⁄ > 4 40֔ (81,000 mm)forged & cast steel...
Abrir la página 3 del catálogo
PARTMATERIAL BodyA 351 Gr. CF8M BonnetA 351 Gr. CF8M WedgeA 351 Gr. CF8M StemGr. 316 GlandGr. 316 Gland flangeA 351 Gr. CF8M Yoke bushingGr. 316 HandwheelMalleable iron (painted) Handwheel nutCarbon steel Body/bonnet studGr. B8M Body/Bonnet nutGr. 8M Gland studGr. 304 Gland nutGr. 8M Spring pinStainless steelGland SX or SYTeflon packing GX or GYGraphiteGasketSX or SYTeflonwith stainless wire mesh GX or GYGraphite with stainless steel foil Name plateStainless steelStem nutNi-resist type D-2C > SIZEFLANGED, ASME 150 (PN 20)FLANGED, ASME 300 (PN 50)inWEIGHTWEIGHT mm 2...
Abrir la página 7 del catálogo
PARTMATERIAL BodyA 351 Gr. CF8M BonnetA 351 Gr. CF8M DiscA 351 Gr. CF8M StemGr. 316 Disc nutA 351 Gr. CF8M Gland pinGr. 316 GlandGr. 316 Gland flangeA 351 Gr. CF8M Yoke bushingAustenitic ductile iron Gr. D-2C HandwheelMalleable iron Handwheel nutCarbon steel Name plateStainless steel Bonnet studGr. B8M Bonnet nutGr. 8M Gland studGr. 304 Gland nutGr. 8MGland SX or SYTeflon packing GX or GYGraphiteGasket SX or SYTeflonwith stainless wire meshGX or GYGraphite with stainless steel foil > FIGURE NUMBERSSTAINLESS SEAT STELLITE SEAT > CLASS 1500074C13SX or GX0074C֖13SY or GY3001074C13SX or...
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Abrir la página 9 del catálogo
ASMECLASSES 150, 300 The production, transport and storage of liquifiedgases such as oxygen, nitrogen, argon, natural gas, hydrogen or helium (down to -425F), presents several technical problems. Velan specially-adapted extended bonnet cast valves offer safe and efficient service. > Т Wetted parts: All Austenitic stainless steel and/orStellite 6. Bronze wedges available. > ● Stem nut/yoke bushing: Austenitic ductile iron Gr. D-2C (2and up), Gr. 416 Nickel plated ( > 1 ԢD > 2 to 1 > 1 ⁄ > 2 ). > Ԣ Packing: Teflon or graphite packing protectedfrom low temperatures by a column of insulating...
Abrir la página 10 del catálogoTodos los catálogos y folletos técnicos VELAN
Forged steel valves
28 Páginas
General Purpose ball valves
8 Páginas
Resilient-seated ball valves
44 Páginas
Cryogenic Control Valves
6 Páginas
Universal Steam traps
52 Páginas
Metal Seated Ball Valves
28 Páginas
Pressure Seal and Bolted Bonnet Valves
54 Páginas
Complete Valve Solutions
16 Páginas
Knife gate valves
20 Páginas
Cryogenic metal-seated butterfly valves
8 Páginas
Coker ball valves
8 Páginas
Cast steel gate, globe, and check valves
40 Páginas
Adareg control valves
8 Páginas